Anonymous April 26, at 5: I still remember, word for word, one question that I absolutely would not have known if not for Goljan's lectures. Again, the best method would be to find some on a friend's computer. That way I didn't feel guilty about taking an hour to exercise which, by the way, is the best thing you can do when you are studying 10 hours every day and I surely learned more from Goljan than I would have from Eminem and Coldplay. I wanted to mention what makes these lectures most useful. Anonymous April 22, at goljan lectures mp3

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Kate September 29, at 4: Hi, thanks for posting.

I will provide a couple of links, but they will, inevitably, not always work. Anonymous April 22, at April 18, at February 10, at If anyone knows more about this, please leave a comment. Arnaldo April 18, at Andrew October 16, at 9: It doesn't matter where you You certainly can not listen to some lectures and read one book and expect to pass.

In llectures, I know that just listening in the car and while running picked me up a good number of questions on Step 1.

Goljan Pathology Audio Lectures (Complete Lectures) | CME & CDE

His step 2 audio definitely needs this touching up as well, those audio files are so fucked. Sandra November 1, at Stella August 29, at 5: There are currently a number of board prep materials available to medical students thanks to Dr. I know there is audio out. Any research you do is helpful, just find a good project and get involved. M2 June 19, at In fact, some students believe it added double digit points to their board score.

Goljan, let me discuss a few of them. I can not verify this, and I search using my usual websites only found the same audio files that I used 3 years ago.

Anonymous April 26, at 5: Didn't find anything in the past few years for this idea, gpljan decided to make another thread. While I do not endorse illegal file transfers, these files are available for download on the internet and there is no other possible way to obtain them. Dr Gamer April 26, at Somehow, these lectures were recorded and are now shared between medical students across the country and across the globe.

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April 25, at 8: I found that listening when I exercised every day was a fantastic way to use them. August 13, at I do not believe that listening to them early in your first or second year of med school is helpful. lecturew

Goljan Pathology Lectures Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App

August 29, at 5: Goljan's Book, Rapid Review Pathology: Anonymous February 11, at There are 24 lectures mp3 18 hours files cover topics in internal medicine. I hope it went well! Sheikh MD October 14, at

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